What is prop money for? Many people use them to make friends, relatives or acquaintances laugh. Putting someone in a funny position, creating a situation in which people can have a lot of fun. For example, you came to someone’s birthday and presented a pack of 100 dollar bills as a gift. Or you went with friends to have fun in the nearest bar, and then, pretending to be pretty drunk, start throwing large bills at the bar, or in a circle of dancers. You can declare that you will buy this entire establishment without leaving it. Probably, when people figure out how you made fun of them, there will be a lot of fun. At the same time, you can pre-fill all the pockets with bundles of funny money and even hide them in socks. In the end, it turns out that the evening was a success! The conclusion is simple, fake money, serves, first of all, to raise the mood and funny extraordinary jokes. Fake money includes such types as, for example: advertising banknotes, both double-sided and one-sid...