Top 10 Things to Store in a Fireproof Safe
Best Fireproof Safes -
1. Homeowners Insurance Documents – When a fire, tornado, flood, or hurricane hits your home, the first thing to do is ensure you have the right insurance.
2. Passport – A passport is a must-have item for all types of identification, especially if your wallet or purse is stolen or lost.
3. Valuables and Photos – Expensive watches and jewels, photos, family heirlooms, some emergency cash, and a videotape for insurance purposes should also be kept in a protected place.
4. Financial Documents – If something happened to your home, you’d need to access your funds quickly.
5. Medical Documents – Keep your medical insurance forms and a copy of your insurance card together with a list of your family’s doctors, medications, and pharmacy contact information.
6. Social Security Card – Don’t forget to store your Social Security card somewhere safe and secure. It is needed for jobs, driver’s licenses, college classes, insurance, and Medicaid.
7. Will – The best place to keep an original will is in the law office’s safe or safety deposit box. Copies of the will should also be kept in the fireproof safe of both the client and the executor.
8. Birth Certificate – A birth certificate is essential for all kinds of things – enrolling in school or the military, applying for a passport, getting a driver’s license, marriage license, or government/private benefits (like insurance and retirement).
9. Titles and Deeds – Keep your property deed and car title somewhere safe, as these are needed in order to sell or refinance your house, transfer the title for estate-planning purposes, and more.
10. Legal Documents – Powers of attorney, living wills, and health care proxies (for yourself and anyone else you are designated for) should also be kept safe.
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