Magic Mind Energy And Focus Drink Shots
Magic Mind is a productivity drink, combining improvements in energy, cognition, and balance that give you a natural, healthy flow state that lasts all day. Our 2oz shot delivers sustainable energy, supports improved memory and focus, and decreases stress to get you dialed-in, not wired — and you can take it alongside or in place of your current morning ritual drink, making that first cup of coffee last 8+ hours. Starting with a trip to the ER with a heart condition in 2013 from drinking 6-7 cups of coffee per day, to writing the book on nootropics, adaptogens, and functional mushrooms for the most health and productivity-conscious set of the population in Silicon Valley, the author and creator of Magic Mind has spent the last 10 years formulating the product with a world-class team of scientific and medical advisors led by world-renowned MD, Dr. Andrew Weil. Following a decade in development and over three years in-market, Forbes has called it “Silicon Valley’s new morning elixir” and our formula has grained fans ranging from everyday moms, to Navy SEALs, to professional athletes, to the founders of companies like Twitter, Twitch, and Airbnb, along with the Kardashians and Joe Rogan.
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